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Frequently Asked Questions:

1. "Do you sell in any stores in my area? & Can I get a coupon code?"


We primarily sell online through our website but we do have a few gun shops around the US that carry our product. In the interest of safeguarding against potential issues with advertising platforms, we are looking to add more dealers in more states. You can earn a coupon code to our website if you call your local store and ask them to begin stocking our products. Just send us a message with the store's info and we'll give you a discount code for your order. 


2. "Which size should I order"


The belt sizes are 11.5" and 14.5" and the clips are spaced at 9.5" and 12.5" apart. If you are carrying a spare magazine or something on the heavier end of the scale (1911, 2011, tricked-out full-size guns, etc.) then I typically recommend the larger size. The most comfortable size for most people is when the space between the clips makes up close to 30% of their waistband. For someone with a 32" waistband, the math would be:

9.5 / 32 = 29.7


3. "I didn't get a confirmation email"


The confirmation emails are automatic. Usually, when you don't see an email it's because you had a typo in your email, you used an email address that you didn't mean to because it's associated with Apple Pay or Paypal, or it went to spam. Searching for "leisure carry" in your inbox or spam folder usually narrows down the issue but in the event of a typo, we can send the email manually.


4. "What's the best way to set up the COB?"


Start by tying your drawstring snugly. Then put your COB inside your waistband. Then insert your holster with the clip going over the belt & waistband. Usually, people have an issue because they clipped their COB in before tying their waistband. When you do that, you pinch the drawstring so you aren't tightening around your waist. 


5. "My package has been shipped but is taking a long time to arrive"


For the most part, USPS has been good at getting the packages delivered on time. The average delivery time is 3 days from when the product is marked 'shipped'. If it's taking longer than that, check the tracking to see if it's stopped progressing toward you for more than 3 days. 90% of the time, if a package stops progressing for 3+ days, it's lost or is returning to sender. We are happy to ship a replacement if something is lost or on its way back to us for whatever reason. USPS customer support is essentially useless, they never know more than what the tracking says. So to save you time/headache I suggest not even bothering with them and reaching out to me via the support chat.






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